Today I made my first Etsy listing. I made a necklace of pastel colured beads and strug it with leather. I call this necklace Mauve Madness. I am hoping to add more items to etsy and hope to make a sale so that I can buy more beads :D
I have been busy this past month taking sewing classes. Saturday was my last class. I am going to miss this class a lot.
So I have two hobbies now beading and Sewing. My first sewing project was making sleep wear. I liked the PJs I made but the tops well it is my first time. My next project is to make a nice pant and jacket. Let us see how it turns out.
I am also planning to make some eyeglass holders as my next beading project.
I hope it sells for you. I just started a crafting blog too. I am in between jobs at the momment and thought this was an excellent time to devote more attention to my creativeness.
PS. Was it easy to set up an etsy account? I was half thinking of posting some items to see what happened.
It is very easy to setup shop at etsy. It is a nice community. I have not sold anything yet but I have a fulltime job so have not devoted too much time to it.
I love Etsy, and I'm addicted. Hope you guys are doing well. It's a lot of wrok, but very rewarding. Good luck!
You haven't posted ina million years! Get to it, you've been tagged. Check out my blog for the rules.
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